Thursday, January 20, 2005

Some Coffee snippets

1AAA: Highest quality coffee beans identified and described stating size, quality, density, and moisture content in that order.
· A: Largest size grade in India, a grade of coffee, generally indicating size grade of Arabica coffee beans along with A, B, & C.
· AA: Largest size grade in Kenya, Tanzania, and New Guinea, a grade of coffee, generally a size grade of Arabica coffee beans along with A, B, & C.
· A moisture test: Theoretically, an error of +/- 5%. In actuality, -2% to -4.5%.
· Acidity, Acidy, Acid: The pH of the substance. In coffee it is about 5.o The tartness taste to coffee.
· Afloat: The coffee is on route in a ship.
· Aged Coffee: Coffee held in warehouse for several years in order to reduce acidity and increased body. Aged coffee is held longer than an old crop, or mature coffee.
· Altura: In Spanish means height and describes Mexican coffee that has been grown high or mountain grown.
· American Roast: medium brown.
· Alqueir: A term used to describe the capacity of a liquid. In coffee terms it is 50 kilograms.
· And/or: A term which both, all, or one. When in a coffee contract it means both, either, but not mixed.
· Arabica: Coffee Arabica, the most common cultivated species of coffee in the modern world market.
· Arbitrage: A transaction where the operator takes advantage of a communication delay time. The coffee is purchased and sold simultaneously to the advantage of the operator.
· Aroma: The fragrance produced by any substance. Smell. Volatile Essential oils
· Arroba: A term for contract weight in Central and South America. Generally, 12.5 kilos or 27.5 pounds.
· As is: You buy it, you take it as it is or classic buyer beware.
· Automatic Drip: Coffee brewers that automatically heat water and filter the coffee.
· Balance: A tasting term applied to coffee or wine means no single taste characteristic overwhelms the others.
· Bag: Usually a burlap sack of coffee. In various countries a "Bag" is a different weight. As in: Brazil a bag is 132 pounds. Colombia it is 154 pounds. In Angola it is 176 pound.
· Bale: Another term for bag. About 176 pounds but changes depending on who is using the term and where.
· Batch Roaster: A machine which roasts a given quantity at one time. In effect, it is a roaster which does not continually roast beans. There is an identifiable physical limit to the roasters capabilities.
· Benefico: A Spanish term for establishments that have coffee bean cleaning, washing, drying, and sorting machines.
· Black beans: Fully mature dead coffee which fell off a tree. Not Good.
· Black- Jack coffee: Coffee beans which turned bad after picking or during shipping.
· Blend: A mixed bag of two or more coffee types.
· Body: The sense of total palette associated with taste.
· Bourbon: Coffee beans which come from plants which have not been altered originating from the Isle of Bourbon. Coffee Arabica.
· Braca: A measure of length; 2 meters and 2 centimeters long.
· Bright: a taste term for the acidity.
· Brisures: Beans broken and separated by screening.
· Broken: Cracked imperfect coffee beans.
· Brokers: Generally anyone who is paid a commission and involved in trading.
· Bullhead: An extra large coffee bean. Sometimes a pea-berry which has not totally grown together.
· Bundles: Another term for bale about 176 lbs.
· CC, C/C: The years Current Crop.
· C&f: Cost of the coffee bean and all freight.
· Caracol: Another word for Pea-berry. A large single round coffee bean.
· Caturra: A recently developed sub-variety of the Coffee Arabica which more disease resistant.
· CIF: Cost of the coffee bean, the insurance, and all freight.
· Cafe beneficiado: Hulled coffee usually bulk but sometimes baled or in bags.
· Cafe bonifieur: Thoroughly cleaned and polished coffee beans exceptional.
· Cafe de panno: Coffee picked over cloth. Coffee picked very carefully where a cloth is placed on the ground so no dirt gets on accidentally if the bean falls.
· Cafe despolpado: Washed coffee or pulped coffee, description of the process.
· Cafe em casca: Coffee wrapped in parchment.
· Cafe em ceraja: Coffee in the natural red cherry.
· Cafe em coco: Coffee in the sun dried pod.
· Cafe en parche: Coffee wrapped in the parchment.
· Cafe habitant: Coffee which is yet unpolished.
· Cafe rebeneficiado: Coffee re-separated or mechanically improved.
· Cafe terreir: Coffee washed and dried with coco.
· Cafeate: Hot coffee with milk.
· Cafetal: A plantation of coffee trees.
· Cafeine C8H10N4O2; an alkaloid substance found in the coffee bean, the leaf, some tea leaf, yerba mate, cocoa bean.
· Caffeine content: in a cup of coffee about 1.5 grains.
· Caffeeol, Caffeol, Coffeol: A volatile aromatic conglomerate formed during roasting. Essence of coffee, coffee oils.·
· Cargo bags: Bags delivered to the boat, the shipper, the receiver usually burlap.
· Cargo slacks: Bags of coffee that have become slack through loss of beans in transit.
· Cherry: Name applied to the ripe fruit of the coffee tree or bush.
· Chicory: An addition or filler in coffee made from the plant, cichorium intybus.
· Chop: Before shipping, each invoice of coffee is made up into a number of divisions called chops. The bags in each division are marked with a particular chop number.
· Cinnamon Roast: a term for the lighter roasts. City Roast: A term sometimes used for a medium dark roasted coffee.
· Coffee fruit: The berry or pod which contains the seed.
· Coffee grader: One who grades coffee.
· Coffeol: Essence of coffee, coffee oils, volatile.
· Cold Water Method: a way of brewing coffee steeping it in cold water rather than hot water.
· Commercial Coffees: general refers to a brand name coffee which is pre-ground and aged. Some countries delineate between coffees stating which the locals can drink and those exported.
· Commissario: A name used to designate the commissionaire at coffee ports who buys from the planter, or sells the planter's coffee for a commission, stores it in a warehouse, and sells it to an exporter.
· Commission merchant: a person or firm receiving coffee on consignment for sale in the purchasing country.
· Complexity: a tasting term describing sensation shifts; resonance and character depth.
· Continous Roaster: a roaster that roasts coffee continuously as opposed to a batch roaster.
· Conto: A currency term.
· Contract: A Securities Coffee Exchange contract is 32,500 lbs. (250 bags)
· Country damage: An insurance term meaning damaged occurring in the country of origin while in transit to the port of loading.
· Crema: the pale brown foam covering the surface of a well brewed cup of espresso.
· Cupping: Cup testing, Judging the merits of a coffee by roasting, grinding, and brewing some of it. The brew is sipped.
· Dark French Roast: a roast almost jet black in color, thin bodied and bittersweet.
· Dark Roast: a roast which the beans are just turning black but still look brown.
· Date of invoice: date from the time of purchase and not from the time of shipment.
· Decaffeinated: coffee which has had the caffeine removed or blocked in such a way that the caffeine will not leave the bean during brewing. Swiss water.
· Decaffeination Process: the process by which the coffee was decaffeinated. German water or Swiss water.
· Delivered: The seller undertakes to guarantee the safe carriage at his expense to the delivery point stipulated in the contract, and reweighed at the destination. discounts
· Demitasse: a 1/3 size cup for espresso.
· Doser: A spring loaded switch on espresso grinders which dispenses single servings of ground coffee.
· Drip Method: a brewing method that drips the hot water over the basket of coffee grounds.
· Dry fermenting: After washing, coffee is fermented without water.
· Dry Processed Coffee: a process to remove the husk from the fruit after the coffee berries have been sun or mechanically dried. Generally scraping the berry and considered inferior to the washed or fermented processes.
· Dry roast: A roasting process in which no water is used to check or stop the roast. The operator depends entirely upon his cooling apparatus for quick cooling.
· Earthiness: a tasting term describing coffee which may taste a little off or like the earth.
· En oro: Term for washed coffee when the parchment and silver skin have been removed. Cleaned coffee.
· En parche: term used for coffee still in the parchment.
· Espresso: meaning fast or of the moment, a method to brew coffee which forces the water into the grind by pressure.
· Estate Grown: Coffee grown on large farms as opposed to small peasant plots, usually old family owned plantations.
· European Preparation: removing imperfect beans by hand.
· Excelso: a grade of coffee which includes different sizes, qualities, and imperfections. of the same crop.
· Ex dock: Contracts requiring the buyer to take delivery at the sellers pier.
· Ex ship: Coffee which is sold before arrival with the understanding that the buyer will remove it immediately from the dock.
· Extra: second best grade of coffees.
· Ex warehouse: coffee which is warehoused and placed at the disposal of the buyer.
· FAQ: Fair average quality.
· Fazenda: A coffee plantation or farm.
· Fazendero: A proprietor of a fazenda.
· Fermenting: A process where yeasts eat the sugars in a substance producing alcohol.
· Filtered Method: coffee brewed with a filter.
· Finish: the after taste, bite, bitterness or the lingering taste of the coffee.
· Flip Drip: a device which water is heated on the bottom of the brewer, when boiling, the device is flipped over and the water drips down through the coffee which was held in the middle of the brewer.
· Fluid Bed Roaster: a roaster which cooks the bean by floating them with a blast of hot air.
· French Press: a device which brews coffee by allowing the grinds to sit in the water, when finished, a press pushes the grounds to the bottom. Bodum
· French Roast: a roast black in color tasting bittersweet but not burnt.
· Finca: A coffee plantation or farm.
· Finquero: The proprietor of a finca.
· Flat bean: A larger bean without the curled general characteristic generally void of acid.
· FOB: Free on board. The seller agrees to place the product safely on board the carrier designated by the purchaser. Generally describes the time title will be transferred to the buyer.
· Forwarder: An agent who takes charge of a coffee shipment for local clients and directs transportation.
· French roast: Means the bean is roasted sufficiently to bring the essential oils to the surface of the bean.
· Full city roast: Darker than Cinnamon roast like a NY roast.
· Futures: Coffee sold now for delivery sometime in the future. Commodities on the stock market.
· Gamey, Gaminess: terms which mean off in taste for no apparent reason.·
· GHB: Good Hard Beans.
· Glazing: Finishing the bean to preserve the natural flavor.
· Good Hard Bean: a grade of coffee grown at altitudes above 3000 feet. Term varies depending on the country where the bean is grown. GHB
· Grade: The measure of quality. Varies
· Green Coffee: Un-roasted coffee beans.·
· Groundy: An earthly taste. The taste of the earth.
· Hacienda: Farm, plantation or ranch.
· Hard: coffee with a mild taste. Generally a term for "not as good."
· Hard Bean: same a good hard bean, but more universal and generally means a denser bean.
· Harsh: A term to describe an unwanted coffee flavor.
· HB: Hard Bean.
· Hectare: A metric unit of land equaling 2.471 acres.
· HG: High Grown.
· HGC: High Grown Central.
· Hidey coffee, hidey coffee: Coffee which smells and tastes like leather.
· Hulling: The last step in the preparation of "washed coffee".
· Husking: Cleaning the pod off the dried cherry.
· Importer: A person or firm that buys coffee form a producing country and brings it into another country.
· In store: A contract requiring the seller to store the coffee, clean it, and make it ready for delivery.
· Invisible supply: The unknown stocks of coffee, including those held by roasters and distributors.
· Invoice: One or more chops of coffee billed as one sale.
· Italian Roast: a darker roast than French.
· Java: An island of Indonesia. Any cup of coffee.
· Kilogram: 2.2046 pounds.
· Last Bag Notice: A term used by shippers when the last bags are being unloaded. A term used by marketers defining coffee which has been sold before arrival, when notice is given by cargo, the importer can transfer ownership of the coffee.
· Lavando Fino: The best grade of Venezuelan coffee.
· Laterals: Side branches on a coffee tree, often horizontal.
· Limu: a low acid washed coffee, from Ethiopia.
· LGC: Low Grown Central.
· Long berry harrar: a grade of coffee from Ethiopia. The beans are larger than short berries.·
· Made sound: Damaged coffee which has been cleaned.
· MAM: an acronym for Madelyn, Armenia, and Manizales Colombian coffees which are typically sold together to create one contract.
· Maragogip: an extremely large porous bean. Not Hard
· Mature Coffee: Generally, a term for coffee still in its parchment waiting for an order but which is older than one generation or year.
· Mazagran: The French name for a drink composed of cold fresh coffee and spritzer water:
· Mbuni: Unwashed poor quality coffee. African
· MC: Methylene Chloride; generally used in decaffeinated coffee process.·
· Middle Eastern Coffee: another term for Turkish Coffee, coffee ground to a fine powder, served spiced and sweetened grounds and all.
· Mild coffees: Coffees free of the harsh flavor.
· Mocha: A small irregular Yemen bean, in color olive green. Has a unique acid character. Shipped from Mocha Yemen.
· Monsoonal Coffee: coffee deliberately exposed to moist monsoon winds in open warehouses to increase body and reduce acidity.
· Mulch: A layer of grass, leaves, or compost, placed over the surface of the soil.
· Musty: A flavor resulting from overheating in storage or a lack of proper drying.
· New Crop: a freshly picked and processed coffee crop.
· No sale: Didn't arrive or was not as contracted for so the sale in incomplete.
· Notice: Announcement of delivery.
· Old Crop: any crop which has been sitting around a long time. Generally, any crop which is older than one crop. Depending on handling, this may not be an aged or a mature crop.
· Open Pot: one of the oldest methods, leave the coffee in an open pot where the grind separates from the brew by settling or straining. Arabic.
· PC, P/C: Past Crop; older than one crop but still in parchment during storage.
· Pea-berry: A rounded bean from an occasional coffee cherry which contains one seed instead of the usual flat sided pair.
· Percolation: Method of brewing where the hot water is heated causing it to pump up and falling through the grind basket.
· Pergamino: Pergamino coffee is coffee that has been dried after pulping fermenting and washing.
· Pile: Coffee dried and hulled by air processes.
· Plantation coffee: Pergamino or parchment coffee.
· Points: Fluctuations of prices on the commodities market. A term for grading coffee.
· Primo Lavado: a grade of coffee which includes most of the fine coffees of Mexico. Generally a contract term which means the coffee is of good grade.
· Primary market: The market in the country of origin or production.
· Pulping: The first step after the pod is removed. Removing the outer skin of the berry.
· PW: Prime Washed coffees.
· Pyrolysis: chemical breakdown during roasting of fats and carbohydrates into oils which provides the flavor and aroma.
· Quakers: Unripe irregular or underdeveloped coffee beans.
Rio, Rio flavor: A heavy and harsh taste characteristic of coffees grown in the Rio district of Brazil.
· Rios, Rio-y: generally Brazils "Rio" tasting coffee.
· SC: Standard Central.
· SHB: Strictly Hard Bean.
· SHG: Strictly High Grown.
· SHGC: Strictly High Grown Central.
· Ship samples: Samples which precede the actual shipment.
· Ship sweepings: All loose coffee swept up from the floor of piers, ship holds, or warehouse which are not suitable for consumption.
· Shipper's slacks: Bags of coffee originally delivered by the shipper to the steamer in a slack un-filled condition. Not a completely filled bag.
· Silver skin: A thin, papery coating on the coffee bean surface.
· Sizing: Grading the size of the coffee bean.
· Skimming: That part of the bag which has been damaged by moisture. The damaged portion being skimmed off. Grade are "gs" for good skimming, "ns" for not good skimming, and "ps" for poor skimming.
· Slack: Bags which have become torn or otherwise no longer full.
· Soft Bean: coffees grown at low altitudes. Generally a more porous and less dense bean.
· Sound coffee: Coffee in good market condition.
· Source: The place of origin.
· Specialty Coffee: a term differentiating between large commercial roasters and coffees which are more individually marketed. Small scale local roasters or coffee sold by the grower.
· Spills, spillings: All such coffee retrieved with a clean shovel, scooped up from piles of coffee spilled in the ship's holds, or on the pier.
· Spore: The seed of fungi, ferns, mosses, and other flowerless plants effecting quality and taste.
· Spot Market: The spot market is where the purchaser actually buys the beans. As opposed to "the future's market" where the sale of coffee is at sometime in the future.
· Standard: A fixed quality usually regional.
· Steamer sweat: An insurance term meaning damage to coffee from sweat generated by the over-heating while in the hold of a vessel.
· Steam Wand: a pipe on most espresso machines which provides steam for the milk frothing operation.
· Straight Coffee: unblended coffee from a single country, region, or crop.
· Style: A term designated to the appearance of the whole coffee bean.
· Supremo: of the highest grade.
· Sweated coffee: an adulteration: Green coffee which has been submitted to a steaming process to give the beans a brown appearance. It is considered
· Sweet: A coffee which is free from harshness.
· Tamper: a device used to compress the ground coffee inside the filter basket of an espresso machine.
· Tare: The weight "of the bag" in which the coffee is stored.·
· Tipping: Charring the little germ at the end of the coffee bean during the roasting process. Poor
· To arrive: When the coffee is expected to arrive.
· Traviesa: Secondary crop in the same year.
· Triage: Broken brittle coffee beans.
· Turkish coffee: coffee ground to a fine powder, brewed and served sweet with the grounds.
· Type: A "sample" fairly representing the coffee purchased and to be shipped.
· Unwashed coffee: Green coffee produced by the dry process:·
· Vector: An insect which carries a disease from one plant to another
· Vintage Coffee: a term used to state the coffee was aged on purpose. Lesser
· Visible supply: The known coffee stocks in public warehouses, afloat or at ports of shipment.
· Washed coffee: Coffee which has been pulped, fermented, and washed, to free the bean.
· Wet Processed, Wet Method: removing the bean from the berry while the berry is still moist.
· Wilting: The collapse of the leaf or stem of a plant due to the loss of water or disease producing less
· Woody coffee: Green coffee which has deteriorated and lost its commercial value.
· Whole Bean: coffee which has been roasted but not ground.


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